Aug 7, 2011


From today's open life drawing session.
These last two are from a few weeks ago.  The first of which are one min poses which I love and hate doing - usually they are poor, but from time to time I manage to do some that I like.  Experienced artists know that the first few strokes are the most important.  Nothing is worse than spending the next twenty minutes trying to correct and redraw an image because you screwed up the proportions in the first few minutes and then based all of the rest of your decisions and measurements upon those first flawed lines.  The last drawing was a long pose (about 35-40 min, I think) that I drew on newsprint.  I wasn't happy with how flat it looked, so I added white chalk to get the highlights at the end.  The trouble with that is that the white chalk is only visible at the right viewing angle in the right light, and of course it didn't photograph well, so I tried to salvage it in Photoshop for your viewing pleasure.

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