Sep 4, 2013

Conflagration Cover

A book cover and banner I recently painted for the Brom inspired game and line of miniatures called Dark Age.  This was a bit of a short turn around, but was a lot of fun to work on.

Apr 22, 2013

Apr 21, 2013

The Tooth Ape

   The Tooth Ape, also known as the "Tooth Fairy Gorilla" is a distant relative of the contemporary Tooth Fairy.  While endowed with remarkable abilities and a well meaning spirit, she has a reputation for over zealous fits of passion.  Therefore children should be cautioned not to speak too openly of loose teeth in public places.

   This lovely character was dreamed up by my son at the dinner table last week.  I let the the kids art direct this one.

Mar 17, 2013

1st Zbrush sculpt

I bought Zbrush a while back and have been slowly trying to get the hang of it.  Here's a screen shot of my first sculpt.  More to come.  It's an amazing program, but I still haven't got to the point where I could say I'm "comfortable" with it.  I love getting my hands dirty and pushing around clay, but pixles just aint as satisfying.  I think I'll get there, its just gonna take time...

Angelina Studies!

Some mo grayscale head studies - this time with process shots to boot!

Mar 3, 2013

Only a Mother Could Love...

This is some SHANK2 fan art, kind of.  I never played the game, but saw the artwork and loved the character design, and animation style.  This character isn't actually in the game, it's sort of my own interpretation.  OK, I don't know what caused me to draw this.


Grayscale head studies.  Just tryin to get better at seeing values, breaking them down and keep a likeness too.  

Jan 1, 2013