Mar 17, 2013

1st Zbrush sculpt

I bought Zbrush a while back and have been slowly trying to get the hang of it.  Here's a screen shot of my first sculpt.  More to come.  It's an amazing program, but I still haven't got to the point where I could say I'm "comfortable" with it.  I love getting my hands dirty and pushing around clay, but pixles just aint as satisfying.  I think I'll get there, its just gonna take time...

Angelina Studies!

Some mo grayscale head studies - this time with process shots to boot!

Mar 3, 2013

Only a Mother Could Love...

This is some SHANK2 fan art, kind of.  I never played the game, but saw the artwork and loved the character design, and animation style.  This character isn't actually in the game, it's sort of my own interpretation.  OK, I don't know what caused me to draw this.


Grayscale head studies.  Just tryin to get better at seeing values, breaking them down and keep a likeness too.